Clevertech has been developing web applications for over 12 years and with all this experience and a highly skilled developer team we have decided to bring CleverStack to open source.

Our aim with CleverStack is to provide the development community with a lean starting point for AngularJS and NodeJS powered web applications. We like to use leading cutting edge technologies to allow for a very automated development workflow. We utilize technologies such as Grunt, Node/NPM & Bower (and many more) to provide rich features out of the box and take care of all the complex configurations for you!

CleverStack also features an easy to use Command Line Interface (CLI) which allows you to start & manage new projects soley from your terminal. It's still in early stages but you are able to re-use your code in AMD spefication modules which gives you the freedom and power to enhance your apps with new features literally in seconds via the CLI.

CleverStack is maintained by Richard Gustin (@pilsy), our core developers and our open source community.

Core devs

*Plus other Clevertech (previous and current) developers not mentioned above.

Get involved with CleverStack development by opening an issue or submitting a pull request. Read our contributing guidelines for information on how we develop.

Stay up to date on the development of CleverStack and reach out to the community with these helpful resources.

CleverStack Social Hub Embed

Our main goal is to provide you with a cutting edge starting point for you Angular and Node web apps.

CleverStack is still in the early stages of development, issues and feedback is greatly appreciated.

  • 2013 May - CleverStack Angular & Node Seeds start as open source on GitHub.
  • 2014 Jan - CleverStack BETA release/s of modularity and CLI.
  • 2014 Feb - CleverStack 1.0.x release of modularity and CLI.
  • 2014 July - CleverStack 1.0.x release of node-seed support for clever-orm and clever-odm.
  • 2014 August - CleverStack 1.2.x BETA release of angular-seed.
  • 2014 October - CleverStack documentation overhaul.

Our main goal is to provide you with a cutting edge starting point for you Angular and Node web apps.

Other goals include:

  • Open source community with CleverStack to help others solve thier issues.
  • Automated unit & e2e testing with AngularJS
  • Reliable RequireJS integration with AngularJS
  • AMD spec modularity of features so you can include what you want and exclude what you dont.
  • Easy command line driven install.
  • NodeJS background tasks.
  • NodeJS database rebase and seeding.
  • Using cutting edge web technologies such as Protractor, Chrome Driver and Selenium Server (Web Driver).

CleverStack was created by developers working for Clevertech, a world-wide web development company. It's distributed under the MIT license.